Web Wednesday – Do I Really Need A Website?

So you’re a writer and everything you’ve heard lately at writers workshops and conferences  indicates that you should have a website.  Really?  Do you REALLY need one?   Yes. 

Here’s why: 

  • It helps you to establish yourself as a legitimate writer
  • It’s a place to post your biography
  • It makes it easy for your to connect with people
  • You can showcase your work
  • It’s a great place to practice your craft
  • It allows you to create your own “brand”; you are unique
  • You can sell your product
  • The internet is text based and made for writing; you’re a writer-so get to work

Here are a few BC authors that use their websites to showcase their work:

Craig Spence:  http://www.craigspence.ca/

Daniel Edward Craig:  http://www.danieledwardcraig.com/

Cynthia Flood:  http://www.cynthiaflood.com/

Below is a great source of information that can walk you through instructions on setting up an author website.  You’ll find text here with explanations.

Making My Website.com  

You can also check out Youtube.com for various videos that show you exactly what to do and how to do.  Type “set up website” or “create website” into the search box & you’ll have a myriad of tutorials at your disposal.

By Wendy Website
Website: http://www.youcandoit.com
Blog: www.whyyouneedawebsite.org

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